Climax vertical blinds are a traditional and integral element for shading large glazed areas, be it offices, schools or healthcare facilities. The fabric slats suspended in the top running profile partially overlap and are also ideal for partitioning large spaces in living rooms. Their versatility also makes them suitable for shading sloping windows, windows with different heights or sliding doors. They are operated manually, where the slats can be tilted using a chain to regulate the light penetration. We offer a wide range of fabrics with the possibility of combining different colours and patterns.
Light control
Stropní a pomocí konzole na zeď.
Pomocí řetízku, strana lze zvolit, stejně tak možnost ovládání.
Nebudou, v každé žaluzii je dole závaží a také jsou vedeny v řetízku, který ale nemusí být namontován, aby se dalo lépe procházet mezi lamelami.