Screening for the kitchen


In some families, the kitchen is the heart of the home and, according to Feng Shui, it is even the most important place in the entire household. Often it also fulfils several different functions. It is where we prepare food, whether it is a quick snack or Sunday lunch, drink coffee and chat.

What do we need to consider?

Some kitchens are also a dining room or organically enter the living room. As we usually spend a lot of time in the kitchen, the shading should be sufficient to protect our privacy. We also need to consider practicality when choosing a kitchen screen. It is important that the shading can withstand moisture, heat and possible grease, and can be easily cleaned if it gets dirty. The ideal choice is classic aluminium blinds or fabric day and night blinds. Pleated blinds, which can even be washed in the washing machine, are an interesting design option. To visually brighten and expand the kitchen space, we recommend choosing from light and neutral tones.

Our recommendations for the kitchen

Fabric roller blind Varieta Zebra

The Zebra variant, also known as day and night, consists of a double striped fabric that allows for soft shading during the day and thicker coverage in the evening. You can choose from a variety of different decors in pleasing muted shades, so you can playfully match the blind to your kitchen design.

  • A large selection of colours and patterns
  • Different shading intensities
  • Safety chain
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Indoor blinds Max

Max interior blinds are one of the absolute best in the range of horizontal blinds. They stand out for their robustness and smooth winding of the slats while maintaining affordability. The undeniable advantage of aluminium blinds is the ease of maintenance and cleaning.

  • The top of the range among indoor blinds
  • Smooth slat winding
  • Elegant rounded trim
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Outdoor kitchen shading

The main function of indoor shading is to protect you from the sun's unpleasant rays and possibly add an interesting design element to your interior. To improve the thermal and acoustic insulation of your apartment or house, we recommend that you also consider combining it with outdoor shading products, i.e. outdoor blinds or roller shutters.

Examples of realisations

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Výběr vhodného produktu

Náš specialista s vámi probere vaše potřeby a provede vás výběrem produktu od typu provedení až po barevnou variantu. Můžeme vám také doporučit návštěvu jednoho z 10 showroomů po celé ČR, kde stínící techniku uvidíte naživo a prohlédnete si vzorníky materiálů. V této fázi se také dozvíte přibližnou cenu zakázky.

Dvakrát měř, jednou řež

Před instalací k vám pošleme zkušeného technika, který vše zhodnotí a naměří. Zvážíme všechny faktory, jako je třeba odolnost proti větru nebo technická specifika každé stavby. Následně dostanete přesnou cenovou nabídku.

Vyrábíme a instalujeme

Po odsouhlasení nabídky zadáváme výrobu vybraného produktu na míru. S vámi si mezitím domluvíme termín instalace.