Somfy and Proklima: the revolution in home automation

In the world of smart technology, so-called home automation is increasingly coming to the fore. The cooperation between the two companies brings a combination of quality products and innovative technologies to simplify your life. Create a home that thinks for you and enjoy the comfort you deserve.


Have everything at your fingertips

You can control your shading, garage door, lighting or heating at the touch of a button or via an app on your smartphone. So you can command your home from the comfort of your couch, from work and even from your vacation.

Intelligent control from Somfy for maximum comfort

The TaHoma® switch system from Somfy relieves you of unnecessary daily tasks and saves you time for the activities you love. Smart sensors that react to changes in the weather automatically adjust the shading to help maintain the optimum indoor temperature. And as well as saving on energy, you'll also get a far greater sense of security. Because you'll have a constant overview of your home, wherever you are.


What products can I connect to my smart home

Possible control methods

Control via TaHoma® switch

The TaHoma® switch is an intelligent control element with two individually adjustable buttons. Customize each button and create scenarios that suit your daily needs.


Smartphone control

Control your home from anywhere with a single click on the TaHoma mobile app. The app is very user-friendly and includes lots of tips and tricks for easy setup. The Czech interface is a matter of course.


Voice assistant control

Do you have your hands full? Never mind! Smart Home Automation is also compatible with leading voice assistants. It works with Google Home, Alexa and Apple Home.


Set up scenarios to suit your needs

Natural wake-up

Let the sun's warm rays caress your face in the morning. By gently tilting the slats and gradually raising the blinds, they let in daylight gradually, giving you the option of waking up at the exact time you choose.

Sleep peacefully

Sink into the darkness at any hour of the day. Let the blinds gradually close and shutter and give yourself some well-deserved sleep or rest.

Awnings protection

Are all the devils out there getting married? Don't worry! As soon as the wind starts to blow, the awning will automatically close thanks to sensors.

Cesta vaší zakázky

Spojte se s námi

Kontaktovat nás můžete přes poptávkový formulář nebo zavolejte na konkrétní pobočku, kterou si vyberete podle vaší lokality.

Výběr vhodného produktu

Náš specialista s vámi probere vaše potřeby a provede vás výběrem produktu od typu provedení až po barevnou variantu. Můžeme vám také doporučit návštěvu jednoho z 10 showroomů po celé ČR, kde stínící techniku uvidíte naživo a prohlédnete si vzorníky materiálů. V této fázi se také dozvíte přibližnou cenu zakázky.

Dvakrát měř, jednou řež

Před instalací k vám pošleme zkušeného technika, který vše zhodnotí a naměří. Zvážíme všechny faktory, jako je třeba odolnost proti větru nebo technická specifika každé stavby. Následně dostanete přesnou cenovou nabídku.

Vyrábíme a instalujeme

Po odsouhlasení nabídky zadáváme výrobu vybraného produktu na míru. S vámi si mezitím domluvíme termín instalace.