Shading for restaurants and cafes

When selecting shading for restaurants, cafes and other gastro establishments, it is important to choose a solution that will provide a pleasant experience for guests. Good quality shading protects against direct sunlight both indoors and outdoors, but also lets in plenty of light when it's dusk or overcast. At the same time, the shading forms a distinctive design element that should harmonise with the interior and enhance the atmosphere of the space. The possibilities for interior shading are almost limitless and therefore primarily depend on your vision. While pleated blinds will provide flexibility, traditional curtains and drapes will add a luxurious look. For more effective shading, you can complement indoor shading elements with outdoor screen blinds or thermoregulating blinds. For outdoor gardens and terraces, on the other hand, use awnings and pergolas. Thanks to our wide range of products and customised production, you can choose the exact shading in the desired colours and design. We also offer the option of printing and logo placement for most of our shading systems.

Take a look at our references

Typical products for the shading of gastronomic establishments

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