For architects and developers

For development projects, we work closely with the architect, designer and construction manager of the project and we pay attention to the investor's specifications. With many years of experience, we can design a cost-effective but equally high quality solution that we electronically process.

Establish cooperation with us

Professional preparation and implementation

We create electronic documentation for each project. We check the project documentation on site and then distort the details according to reality and then provide a DSP. We have a group of high quality and time-flexible technicians who can immediately deal with any situation on site and resolve it with the relevant construction worker.

Příprava a realizace

Benefits of cooperation


Wide range of products

We are constantly expanding our range of indoor and outdoor shading products with new products.


Personal approach

We pride ourselves on friendly relationships and mutual trust.


Technical support

We will prepare DSP details for you in electronic form in AutoCAD.



Rely on our experience with project documentation and quality technical execution.

The shading systems we have implemented

Our suppliers



Climax is our reliable supplier of bespoke external and internal shading. This Czech company was founded in 1992 and is one of the largest suppliers of shading technology in Europe.

Logo Leha


Leha is an Austrian company that supplies us with beautiful pleated blinds. The company manufactures all its products in Austria and prides itself on high quality workmanship and design.

Logo Ipsum

Jack West

Jackwest is our Czech supplier of quality and affordable pleated blinds. It has won us over with its wide range of colours and designs, including the popular Day and Night option.

Logo Somfy


In partnership with Somfy, we offer clients the ability to connect their shading technology to a smart home. This way you can control your blinds, shutters or garage doors simply via your mobile phone or tablet.

Logo Horman


The traditional German company Hörmann is our garage door supplier. We particularly appreciate their safety and the great variety of optional features, including design.



The Slovakian company Lama is our supplier of design blinds made of natural bamboo, which bring a fresh alternative to classic blinds.

10 showrooms all over the Czech Republic

Český Brod

Český Brod

nám. Arnošta z Pardubic 7, 282 01 Český Brod




Vzorkovna: Tatranská 860, 460 07 Liberec




Habrmannova 1967/52, 326 00 Plzeň 2




Vídeňská 277/68 639 00 Brno


Do you want to establish cooperation? Contact us

We will be happy to participate in your project. If you need to fine-tune your building with suitable shading, don't hesitate to get in touch!

Cesta vaší zakázky

Spojte se s námi

Kontaktovat nás můžete přes poptávkový formulář nebo zavolejte na konkrétní pobočku, kterou si vyberete podle vaší lokality.

Výběr vhodného produktu

Náš specialista s vámi probere vaše potřeby a provede vás výběrem produktu od typu provedení až po barevnou variantu. Můžeme vám také doporučit návštěvu jednoho z 10 showroomů po celé ČR, kde stínící techniku uvidíte naživo a prohlédnete si vzorníky materiálů. V této fázi se také dozvíte přibližnou cenu zakázky.

Dvakrát měř, jednou řež

Před instalací k vám pošleme zkušeného technika, který vše zhodnotí a naměří. Zvážíme všechny faktory, jako je třeba odolnost proti větru nebo technická specifika každé stavby. Následně dostanete přesnou cenovou nabídku.

Vyrábíme a instalujeme

Po odsouhlasení nabídky zadáváme výrobu vybraného produktu na míru. S vámi si mezitím domluvíme termín instalace.