After-warranty service of shading technology

Our after-sales service begins with a service call. The technician will identify the fault and try to fix everything on the spot. If this is not possible, we can dismantle the product and have it repaired directly by the manufacturer, or we can offer you a new product with a good price and a 4-year warranty.

Máte zájem o servis Vaší stínicí techniky?

Neplatná hodnota

    Cena servisního výjezdu zahrnuje drobnější komponenty, dopravu, až 2 hodiny práce technika a činí 2 600 kč bez DPH.

    Po vyplnění formuláře se Vám ozveme a domluvíme společně vhodný termín návštěvy servisního technika!

    We'll get your shading technology back up and running

    We have been operating on the Czech market with shading technology for over 20 years. We know from field experience that often all it takes is a little, and broken blinds or shutters can serve their purpose again. Due to the high demand for service that other companies refuse, we decided to expand our services and start offering professional service of shading equipment. Our goal is to make sure that your shading technology works without any problems.


    We service the following brands



    Climax is our trusted supplier of customized outdoor and indoor shading systems. Established in 1992, this Czech company is one of the largest suppliers of shading technology in Europe.

    Logo Leha


    Leha is an Austrian company that supplies us with beautiful pleated blinds. The company manufactures all its products in Austria and prides itself on high quality workmanship and design.

    Logo Ipsum

    Jack West

    Jackwest is our Czech supplier of quality and affordable pleated blinds. It has won us over with its wide range of colours and designs, including the popular Day and Night option.

    Logo Somfy


    In partnership with Somfy, we offer clients the ability to connect their shading technology to a smart home. This way you can control your blinds, shutters or garage door simply via your mobile phone or tablet.

    Logo Horman


    The traditional German company Hörmann is our garage door supplier. We particularly appreciate their safety and the great variety of optional features, including design.



    The Slovakian company Lama is our supplier of design blinds made of natural bamboo, which bring a fresh alternative to classic blinds.


    More than 20 years of experience


    A stable company with a family tradition


    More than 3 000 000 repaired blinds


    More than 3 000 000 repaired blinds

    Our customers' experience

    Michal Peška

    Total satisfaction. We hit a holiday deadline with the post-warranty repair, so we had to wait a couple of weeks for the technician's appointment, but he arrived on time and did what he was supposed to do. The technician was a nice gentleman in his 50's. He called ahead to clarify some things. And he made the repairs on the spot as agreed. For me, a great experience.

    Michal Moučka

    Quickly performed the replacement of the motor in the shutter. I definitely recommend this company.

    Pavel Turek

    Good deal, they fulfilled everything we agreed and repaired the awning on the spot, which saved me and the technicians time and possible further travel.

    Leopold Bandita

    Maximum satisfaction. Helpful negotiation during the service order. Very polite and skilled technician.

    Cesta vaší zakázky

    Spojte se s námi

    Kontaktovat nás můžete přes poptávkový formulář nebo zavolejte na konkrétní pobočku, kterou si vyberete podle vaší lokality.

    Výběr vhodného produktu

    Náš specialista s vámi probere vaše potřeby a provede vás výběrem produktu od typu provedení až po barevnou variantu. Můžeme vám také doporučit návštěvu jednoho z 10 showroomů po celé ČR, kde stínící techniku uvidíte naživo a prohlédnete si vzorníky materiálů. V této fázi se také dozvíte přibližnou cenu zakázky.

    Dvakrát měř, jednou řež

    Před instalací k vám pošleme zkušeného technika, který vše zhodnotí a naměří. Zvážíme všechny faktory, jako je třeba odolnost proti větru nebo technická specifika každé stavby. Následně dostanete přesnou cenovou nabídku.

    Vyrábíme a instalujeme

    Po odsouhlasení nabídky zadáváme výrobu vybraného produktu na míru. S vámi si mezitím domluvíme termín instalace.