Screening for the bathroom


The bathroom is the place where we take care of our personal hygiene and where we often spend moments when we want to feel safe and undisturbed. This space is also characterised by increased humidity, which places specific demands on its equipment and overall environment. It is therefore important that the bathroom offers a combination of functionality, comfort and maximum privacy.

What needs to be taken into account?

Shading in bathrooms must first and foremost provide privacy. Often we want to maintain a certain amount of natural light and fresh air. The ideal choice is therefore shading types that allow flexible adjustment and thus allow easy regulation of light and ventilation. At the same time, given the higher humidity in this environment, it is crucial to choose durable materials. For bathrooms, internal shading is most commonly used as it is affordable and allows for easy regulation of light and privacy. We recommend aluminium blinds or fabric pleats and roller blinds, which are made from water-resistant fabrics.

Our recommendations for the bathroom

Fabric roller blind Orion

This roller blind is a classic, affordable shading. It is simply operated by a chain, which can be equipped with a child safety lock. The roller blind is available in many different colours and patterns with a moisture resistant finish to withstand the humid bathroom environment.

  • Large selection of fabrics
  • Day and night option
  • Quality at an affordable price
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Pleated floating

The floating version of the pleated screen allows it to be moved from the top and bottom as required. This allows you to customise the shading in your bathroom to give you the privacy you need and plenty of daylight. In addition, with a special fabric treatment, these blinds can also withstand humid environments.

  • Two-way shading control
  • Large selection of fabrics
  • Elegant design
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IDX interior blinds

IDX internal blinds offer simple and affordable shading to meet all your requirements, from design to quality. As well as flexible light control and privacy levels, you'll appreciate the moisture resistance and easy maintenance.

  • The most affordable
  • Simple design
  • Easy to handle
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Outdoor bathroom shading

The main function of indoor shading is to protect you from the sun's unpleasant rays and possibly add an interesting design element to your interior. To improve the thermal and acoustic insulation of your apartment or house, we recommend that you also consider combining it with outdoor shading products, i.e. outdoor blinds or shutters.

Examples of realisations

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