Screening for children's room


The children's room is often a multifunctional space where children play, frolic, and then rest and finally sleep. At school age, another very important function is added. The children's room also becomes a workplace where the schoolchild prepares for school and writes homework. These functions often require opposing solutions, but we can handle this task as well.

What needs to be taken into account?

We see providing children with the conditions for a good night's sleep as the most important task for shading in a child's room. Children can wake up earlier than necessary, and in busier parts of the city they can be disturbed by street lighting. At the same time, it is important not to lose the ability to flexibly control the amount of light in the room by shading. We must also consider the aesthetic function, because we want the children's room to be a pleasant and cosy place for the children. The right shading can contribute to this. For the children's room, we therefore recommend mainly interior roller blind products with a choice of special blackout fabric. Roller blinds with colourful patterns are also popular. Variable shading of the "day and night" or "zebra" type is an ideal choice that fulfils several different room functions. A modern and aesthetic solution are pleated blinds, especially the Duette sliding pleated blind, which also has thermal insulation properties.

Our recommendations for the children's room

Fabric roller blind Orion

This roller blind is a classic, affordable shading. Thanks to the large choice of fabrics, you can match it with the colours of the furniture or accessories in the children's room. It is simply operated by a chain. By choosing the fabric you can support your intention: blackout for restful sleep, day and night for variation, or warm muted colours for a feeling of cosiness.

  • A large selection of fabrics
  • Day and night variation
  • Quality at an affordable price
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Fabric roller blind Varieta

Varieta fabric roller blinds offer effective shading with a really wide range of decors that you can choose according to your children's preferences or match with other fabric accessories in the nursery. The advantage is that you can choose from fabrics with different light transmission, including the blackout option. There is also a safe option with a chain control that is out of reach of children.

  • Large choice of colours and patterns
  • Different shading intensities
  • Safety chain
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Duette pleated blinds

The premium Duette blind consists of two strips of fabric that form regular folds with hollow chambers resembling a honeycomb. This pleated blind, although resembling fine paper in appearance, is made of a special fabric that can even be washed in the washing machine. The advantage is the possibility of sliding from the top and bottom, allowing perfect variability and adaptation to sleep, daily activities or desk work. In addition, the special hollow structure also acts to some extent as a lightweight sound and thermal insulation.

  • Flexible shielding
  • Thermal insulation
  • Design element
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Outdoor shading for the children's room

The main function of indoor shading is to protect you from the sun's unpleasant rays and possibly add an interesting design element to your interior. To improve the thermal and acoustic insulation of your apartment or house, we recommend that you also consider combining it with outdoor shading products, i.e. outdoor blinds or roller shutters.

Examples of realisations

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Výběr vhodného produktu

Náš specialista s vámi probere vaše potřeby a provede vás výběrem produktu od typu provedení až po barevnou variantu. Můžeme vám také doporučit návštěvu jednoho z 10 showroomů po celé ČR, kde stínící techniku uvidíte naživo a prohlédnete si vzorníky materiálů. V této fázi se také dozvíte přibližnou cenu zakázky.

Dvakrát měř, jednou řež

Před instalací k vám pošleme zkušeného technika, který vše zhodnotí a naměří. Zvážíme všechny faktory, jako je třeba odolnost proti větru nebo technická specifika každé stavby. Následně dostanete přesnou cenovou nabídku.

Vyrábíme a instalujeme

Po odsouhlasení nabídky zadáváme výrobu vybraného produktu na míru. S vámi si mezitím domluvíme termín instalace.